Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Life Display at UC

I displayed a fetal model, provided by Colorado Right to Life, yesterday at the University of Colorado. I was surprised by how much attention the little fetuses attracted. It caught the attention of basically everyone that walked by, and I would estimate close to 100 people stopped to take a close look. The only pro-life event I have had experience with is the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP, the East Coast version of Justice for all, JFA). GAP and JFA's displays consist of huge 8-10ft tall photos of aborted babies. They are probably one of the most shocking things I have ever seen and they attract the attention of EVERY person that passes. It's no surprise that they generate a lot of controversy. It was, however, quite shocking to me that the small fetal display would get as much attention as it did.
At one point there was a crowd around the table debating abortion with me. They were all pro-choice. A student came by who just found out she is pregnant, she was excited to see an example of what her baby looks like. A staff member, who recently wrote a pro-life letter to the editor, stopped by to voice his support. He shared his views and his story. He was almost aborted, but his mother choose life, he was clearly thankful that she didn't abort. There were lots of "thank-yous" and "God bless yous", eye-rolls and head-shakes. Pro-choicers and pro-lifers stopped by to pick up literature and explain their views. One student who was a staunch pro-choice advocate said that he no longer agreed with late-term abortion, we talked for a while. My hope is that one day, with more education, he will be pro-choice. Most people's minds change overtime. I don't believe we will change someone's mind in one day. But if we are out there a few times a month, presenting the pro-life side in different ways, I believe they will eventually see the truth.
It was a great experience, I got to talk to some really interesting people on both sides of the debate. And I feel like the table had an effect on a lot of the people I talked to. I hope you will all set up a fetal display at your school! Donna at Colorado Right to Life is an amazing person and will make arrangements for you to use the display.

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