Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Dangers of Abortion

Abortion Risks

Abortion isn't necessarily as "safe and easy" as many make it out to be. Here is a list of the risks of abortion - surgical and chemical:

Surgical Abortions

Future Ectopic Pregnancies:

  • Studies point out that the risk of an ectopic or tubal (not in the uterus but in the tubes that lead to the uterus) ;pregnancy is 30% higher for women who have had one abortion, and up to four times higher for women with two or more abortions.
  • When a woman has an Ectopic pregnancy she has a 12% risk of dying in a future pregnancy.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):

  • 5% of women suffer PID following induced (or surgical) abortion. PID can lead to fever and infertility (not being able to get pregnant again)
  • There is a 23% higher risk of infection if you have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).
  • 40% of the sexually active are suspected carriers of STDs.

Breast Cancer:

Reputable studies suggests that women who abort face a 50% increase in breast cancer. If the woman has a family history of breast cancer, this rate doubles with each successive abortion, if the woman is under 18 or over 30 years of age when the abortion takes place.

Placenta Previa:

Placenta previa is a condition in pregnancy where the sac holding the baby (the placenta) tears away from the uterine lining. This can result in extreme and severe life-threatening bleeding. Women who have experienced abortion have a 600% increase in their risk for placenta previa in future pregnancies.


Infertility and sterility mean that a woman cannot get pregnant. Abortion causes sterility in 2-5% of the women who have an abortion.

Psychological/Emotional Trauma:

50% of women who have had abortions report experiencing emotional and psychological problems lasting for months or years. These emotions include, but aren't limited to:

  • acute feeling of grief
  • depression
  • anger
  • fear of disclosure
  • preoccupation with babies or getting pregnant again
  • nightmares
  • sexual dysfunction
  • termination of relationships
  • emotional coldness
  • increased alcohol and drug abuse
  • eating disorders
  • anxiety
  • flashbacks of the abortion procedure
  • anniversary syndrome
  • repeat abortions
  • suicide

Many of these women go on to report that they regret their choice and would do anything to go back and undo the decision that resulted in so much pain.

Medical (Chemical) abortion risks include (but are not limited to):

"The Morning After Pill" (Emergency Contraception Pill) - - If taken within 72 hours of intercourse it prevents pregnancy 75% of the time. Medical problems would be similar to birth control pills, however effects could be more pronounced.

Methotrexate - (given prior to 8 weeks) Doctors don't like to prescribe this chemical because of its high toxicity and unpredictable side effects. Those side effects include but are not limited to:

  • nausea
  • pain
  • diarrhea
  • bone marrow depression
  • anemia
  • liver damage
  • lung disease
  • heavy bleeding for as long as 40 days
  • abortion may occur anywhere

This chemical may not work and a surgical abortion may still be required.

Psychological/ Emotional Trauma:

In addition to the risks listed above, women having chemical abortions often see the complete tiny bodies of their unborn child and are even able to see the child's developing hands, eyes, etc. So traumatic is this for some women that it is recommended that women unprepared for the experience not take the drugs.

Learn more about what a preborn child looks like: Just The Facts

If you are considering abortion because of your circumstances, know that you can change your situation. If you aren't sure about this choice, take time to find out "why" you have these feelings. Pregnancy care centers are here to help you in any situation regardless of your decision.

2 Teri K. Reisser and Paul C. Reisser, Identifying and Overcoming Post-Abortion Syndrome, Colorado Springs, CO.: Focus on the Family

3 "Oral Contraceptives & The Morning After Pill," Take Heart, Columbus Ohio: Heartbeat International

4 "Abortion Some Medical Facts," NRLC

5 Ibid


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