Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Supreme Court Backs Ban on Abortion Procedure

Court Backs Ban on Abortion Procedure


Apr 18, 10:13 AM EDT

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on a controversial abortion procedure Wednesday, handing abortion opponents the long-awaited victory they expected from a more conservative bench.

The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.

The opponents of the act "have not demonstrated that the Act would be unconstitutional in a large fraction of relevant cases," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion.

The decision pitted the court's conservatives against its liberals, with President Bush's two appointees, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, siding with the majority.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia also were in the majority.

It was the first time the court banned a specific procedure in a case over how - not whether - to perform an abortion.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

In Mexico, a Furious Debate Over Abortion

Catholic Church Fights Legislation

Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, April 15, 2007; Page A01

MEXICO CITY -- The young woman with the cascading curls walked into a dumpy house with no sign out front on the day she decided to get an abortion.

Inside, she says, she paid $200 for eight syringes filled with a milky liquid and a set of instructions. She spent the night in a Mexico City hotel room, self-administering injections that made her bleed and cry out in agony.

The next day, weak and depressed, the woman was persuaded by her sister to see a doctor, who determined that she had undergone an incomplete abortion, the woman said during an interview on condition of anonymity. He conducted an emergency procedure to complete the abortion and stave off infection.

"What have I done?" she recalled thinking. "I risked my life."

The woman and tens of thousands like her who undergo illegal abortions in Mexico each year are at the nexus of a furious cultural debate gripping this nation, which allows abortion only in limited cases, including rape and when the mother's life is in danger. Abortion opponents cite cases such as hers as evidence that abortion should be further curtailed; abortion rights advocates argue that the procedure should be decriminalized so that women have access to safe abortions

Read more at:

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Liberal's Agrument for LIFE

(This is taking from another blog posting)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The liberal pro-life argument
This came in the mail. Clearly I don't agree with this viewpoint, but I thought he made his case well. And in the interest of debate, I'll present it. Now read closely: Jen and I are pro-choice. Jen did clinic defense while in law school. But you don't often hear liberal pro-lifers, so....
I figured I'd give you a quick comment on your abortion article just to throw some contrary thoughts your way.

I am a Consistent Life Ethic kinda guy - oppose abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, pretty much anything that involves the termination of human life. I'm also pretty much overeducated NY style Irish Catholic white trash - relatives are cops, meatpackers, union men, &c. So I hope that I know that of which I speak. I'm also a member of Democrats for Life - we're pretty much a pro-life Democrat organization, in the Consistent Life Ethic vein.Anyway a couple of thoughts. I think one of the major messes involving the abortion debate in the United States is that its interpretation is pretty much unique. The rights-based interpretation of abortion is pretty much ahistorical - I know, for example, that Susan B. Anthony expected one of the signs of women's liberation would be the elimination of abortion. That women would no longer be so far backed into a corner that abortion would be considered an option.Similarly, it's unique to the U.S. and Canada. In Europe it's viewed as more of a health and biology issue - France has considerably tighter abortion laws than the united States. Actually, on paper, pretty much every western european country has tighter abortion laws than the united states; also considerably lower abortion rates. I'd argue that one of the holes we're in in the U.S., and the reason that abortion is not a 'settled issue' the way it is in Europe is only partly due to pro-life militancy, it's also because of a marked unwillingness on the pro-choice side to discuss the issue. Since Roe, U.S. abortion policy has been pretty much static with one side desperately trying to pack the courts and the other side desperately trying to prevent it.I haven't found anyone on the pro-choice side who views abortion as a celebratory act, but rather as a necessary choice - to eliminate the specter of back alleys and coat hangers. However, what the GOP does is focus on the corner cases of the issue - and the Democrats end up reacting in fear and ending up defending more and more indefensible cases. Partial Birth was really more vote-whoring than anything else, and also exhibit A in why the GOP doesn't care about abortion past getting votes - they had the ability to do something substantive, and this was their choice. Same thing with this anaesthesia measure they're pushing next. It's real goal is to put democrats on the defensive.There's an organization called PLAGAL - pro-life alliance of gays and lesbians - and their argument against abortion is because they're worried about what happens if homosexuality is genetic and we develop a pre-natal test. This is actually a problem in places like India right now - where abortion is used heavily as a way of guaranteeing male births. I'm sure that somewhere right now there's a move in the GOP to produce a bill making the democrats defend sex-selective or eugenic abortion - something that is going to make the choice rhetoric ring truly hollow.I think the biggest problem with the U.S. abortion debate is that it treats the entire thing as taking place only at the moment of the choice - as if we reproduced via parthenogenesis. My mindset these days is that abortion is a symptom of a deeper problem - when we do find somebody who is having an abortion, we should ask how we as a government and a people have screwed up so badly that this is considered a good idea. what can we do to fix this next time? Better birth control education? Better prenatal care for women? National health care?The reason I am a pro-life _democrat_ is because I believe these kind of solutions make a helluva lot more sense in the Democratic context. My general feeling is that the GOP will end up increasing abortion rates simply because they're going to increase the number of corners a person gets backed into. My concern for the Democrats is that they've implicitly accepted a 'GOP' interpretation - one of helplessness and impotence, rather than figuring out how to apply the capacities of government to solve the problem.I actually think that the Democrats could come up with something more acceptable to pro-lifers within the context of Roe - most of the Roe messes actually come from Doe V. Bolton, which established an inordinately broad definition of threats to the mother's health in the third trimester. If the Democrats approached abortion as a necessary and constitutionally protected evil, but worked to reduce the abortion rate through measures that we know work, then we'd open the door to bringing back a lot of Democrats who've gritted their teeth and voted Republican for the past 20 years.The thing is, this would be a golden opportunity to make the GOP put up or shut up. Ask them if what they want to do is stop abortion or stop _legal_ abortion. When I drive to D.C. from PA, I hit fireworks stores at the Maryland border; I'll bet that if Roe is overtuned and PA outlaws abortion, abortion clinics will pop up at the PA border. Hell, Ireland has a 10/1000 abortion rate. The GOP can't actually do much realistica about abortion unless they try to pass a Human Life Amendment, and if they do, they'll lose a good chunk of their constituents anyway - one of the successes of the GOP's abortion strategy is that they've made the 75% of the population who aren't militantly pro-choice view the democrats as more fanatical about abortion.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Colorado Springs Vigil

Media Advisory

For Immediate Release UCCS STUDENTS FOR LIFE

March. 19, 2007 Contact: President Mary Pico

Phone: (719) 201-3714


UCCS Students for Life vigil

Colorado Springs, CO – UCCS Students will hold a vigil at Planned Parenthood to remember the lives taken by abortion since its legalization 40 years ago in the state. The event is co-sponsored by UCCS Students for Life, Colorado Right to Life and the Colorado Springs Catholic Dioceses.

Who: University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Students for Life

What: Candlelight Vigil to remember the lives taken since abortion was legalized 40 years ago in Colorado

Where: Planned Parenthood

1330 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO

When: Wednesday April 25

8-10 pm


UCCS Students for Life

Candlelight Vigil to protest 40 years of legalized abortion in Colorado

April 25 from 8-10pm at the Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic on Colorado Ave.


Colorado Right to Life

Colorado Spring Catholic Dioceses

UCCS Students for Life


8:00-8:30 Prayer and worship; 40 crosses

8:30-8:35 Remember Abortions from 1967-1977

8:35-8:55 Blessings/Speakers

8:55-9:00 Remember Abortions from 1977-1987

9:00-9:15 Speaker

9:15-9:20 Remember Abortions from 1987-1997

9:20-9:30 Memorial Service; Pray to close the clinic

9:30-9:45 Speaker

9:45-10:00 Remember abortions from 1997-2007;leave flowers in silence


- Chastity

- Former Abortionist

- Those who have had abortions


Mary Pico: (719) 201-3714 mimicecilpico@yahoo.comm

President UCCS Students for Life

Michele Pico: (719) 231-5011

Vice President UCCS Students for Life

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Dangers of Abortion

Abortion Risks

Abortion isn't necessarily as "safe and easy" as many make it out to be. Here is a list of the risks of abortion - surgical and chemical:

Surgical Abortions

Future Ectopic Pregnancies:

  • Studies point out that the risk of an ectopic or tubal (not in the uterus but in the tubes that lead to the uterus) ;pregnancy is 30% higher for women who have had one abortion, and up to four times higher for women with two or more abortions.
  • When a woman has an Ectopic pregnancy she has a 12% risk of dying in a future pregnancy.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):

  • 5% of women suffer PID following induced (or surgical) abortion. PID can lead to fever and infertility (not being able to get pregnant again)
  • There is a 23% higher risk of infection if you have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).
  • 40% of the sexually active are suspected carriers of STDs.

Breast Cancer:

Reputable studies suggests that women who abort face a 50% increase in breast cancer. If the woman has a family history of breast cancer, this rate doubles with each successive abortion, if the woman is under 18 or over 30 years of age when the abortion takes place.

Placenta Previa:

Placenta previa is a condition in pregnancy where the sac holding the baby (the placenta) tears away from the uterine lining. This can result in extreme and severe life-threatening bleeding. Women who have experienced abortion have a 600% increase in their risk for placenta previa in future pregnancies.


Infertility and sterility mean that a woman cannot get pregnant. Abortion causes sterility in 2-5% of the women who have an abortion.

Psychological/Emotional Trauma:

50% of women who have had abortions report experiencing emotional and psychological problems lasting for months or years. These emotions include, but aren't limited to:

  • acute feeling of grief
  • depression
  • anger
  • fear of disclosure
  • preoccupation with babies or getting pregnant again
  • nightmares
  • sexual dysfunction
  • termination of relationships
  • emotional coldness
  • increased alcohol and drug abuse
  • eating disorders
  • anxiety
  • flashbacks of the abortion procedure
  • anniversary syndrome
  • repeat abortions
  • suicide

Many of these women go on to report that they regret their choice and would do anything to go back and undo the decision that resulted in so much pain.

Medical (Chemical) abortion risks include (but are not limited to):

"The Morning After Pill" (Emergency Contraception Pill) - - If taken within 72 hours of intercourse it prevents pregnancy 75% of the time. Medical problems would be similar to birth control pills, however effects could be more pronounced.

Methotrexate - (given prior to 8 weeks) Doctors don't like to prescribe this chemical because of its high toxicity and unpredictable side effects. Those side effects include but are not limited to:

  • nausea
  • pain
  • diarrhea
  • bone marrow depression
  • anemia
  • liver damage
  • lung disease
  • heavy bleeding for as long as 40 days
  • abortion may occur anywhere

This chemical may not work and a surgical abortion may still be required.

Psychological/ Emotional Trauma:

In addition to the risks listed above, women having chemical abortions often see the complete tiny bodies of their unborn child and are even able to see the child's developing hands, eyes, etc. So traumatic is this for some women that it is recommended that women unprepared for the experience not take the drugs.

Learn more about what a preborn child looks like: Just The Facts

If you are considering abortion because of your circumstances, know that you can change your situation. If you aren't sure about this choice, take time to find out "why" you have these feelings. Pregnancy care centers are here to help you in any situation regardless of your decision.

2 Teri K. Reisser and Paul C. Reisser, Identifying and Overcoming Post-Abortion Syndrome, Colorado Springs, CO.: Focus on the Family

3 "Oral Contraceptives & The Morning After Pill," Take Heart, Columbus Ohio: Heartbeat International

4 "Abortion Some Medical Facts," NRLC

5 Ibid


All services are free and confidential. Call our helpline: 719.544.9312

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Life Display at UC

I displayed a fetal model, provided by Colorado Right to Life, yesterday at the University of Colorado. I was surprised by how much attention the little fetuses attracted. It caught the attention of basically everyone that walked by, and I would estimate close to 100 people stopped to take a close look. The only pro-life event I have had experience with is the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP, the East Coast version of Justice for all, JFA). GAP and JFA's displays consist of huge 8-10ft tall photos of aborted babies. They are probably one of the most shocking things I have ever seen and they attract the attention of EVERY person that passes. It's no surprise that they generate a lot of controversy. It was, however, quite shocking to me that the small fetal display would get as much attention as it did.
At one point there was a crowd around the table debating abortion with me. They were all pro-choice. A student came by who just found out she is pregnant, she was excited to see an example of what her baby looks like. A staff member, who recently wrote a pro-life letter to the editor, stopped by to voice his support. He shared his views and his story. He was almost aborted, but his mother choose life, he was clearly thankful that she didn't abort. There were lots of "thank-yous" and "God bless yous", eye-rolls and head-shakes. Pro-choicers and pro-lifers stopped by to pick up literature and explain their views. One student who was a staunch pro-choice advocate said that he no longer agreed with late-term abortion, we talked for a while. My hope is that one day, with more education, he will be pro-choice. Most people's minds change overtime. I don't believe we will change someone's mind in one day. But if we are out there a few times a month, presenting the pro-life side in different ways, I believe they will eventually see the truth.
It was a great experience, I got to talk to some really interesting people on both sides of the debate. And I feel like the table had an effect on a lot of the people I talked to. I hope you will all set up a fetal display at your school! Donna at Colorado Right to Life is an amazing person and will make arrangements for you to use the display.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Abortion and minorities in the U.S.

I talk to a man today at UC Boulder who brought up the fact that abortion is hurting the growth of minorities.
Here is a great website:

Here are some of facts from the site:

Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the U.S. That number is surpassed in less than 3 day Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the U.S. That number is surpassed in less than 3 days by abortion.

1,452 African-American children are killed each day by the heinous act of abortion.

3 out of 5 pregnant African-American women will abort their child.

Since 1973 there has been over 13 million Black children killed and their precious mothers victimized by the U.S. abortion industry.

In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King said, "The early church brought an end to such things as INFANTICIDE." What would Martin Luther King say to the church today?
The Rev. Jesse Jackson once said:
"That is why the Constitution called us three-fifths human and then whites further dehumanized us by calling us 'niggers'. It was part of the dehumanizing ps by abortion.

1,452 African-American children are killed each day by the heinous act of abortion.

3 out of 5 pregnant African-American women will abort their child.

Since 1973 there has been over 13 million Black children killed and their precious mothers victimized by the U.S. abortion industry.

In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King said, "The early church brought an end to such things as INFANTICIDE." What would Martin Luther King say to the church today?
The Rev. Jesse Jackson once said:
"That is why the Constitution called us three-fifths human and then whites further dehumanized us by calling us 'niggers'. It was part of the dehumanizing process. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in order to justify that which they wanted to do and not even feel like they had done anything wrong. Those advocates of taking life prior to birth do not call it killing or murder, they call it abortion. They further never talk about aborting a baby because that would imply something human. Rather they talk about aborting the fetus. Fetus sounds less than human and therefore abortion can be justified".

Jackson's massive flip-flop on the abortion issue is further proof that his political future is far more important to him than are his principles.

With 1/3 of all abortions performed on Black women, the abortion industry has received over 4,000,000,000 (yes, billion) dollars from the Black community

k community.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Life Display at University of Colorado!

For Immediate Release Contact: Miranda Bond

Date: Monday Feb 12, 2007 Phone: (740) 408-3571

Respect Life Committee to host Pro-life display

Fetal display will be used to speak out against abortion

Boulder, Colorado - Abortion has been called the most controversial topic of our time. The Respect Life committee hopes to bring the issue to the forefront of debate at the University of Colorado with a Fetal Display. The display will be available for viewing from 10am – 2pm Tuesday March 13 in front of the Student memorial center.

The group believes the fetal display will force fellow students to think about abortion and hope to change the minds of those who are pro-abortion. They will also be passing out information about pregnancy centers.

The group said they want to let students know they have options, when it comes to unplanned pregnancies.

“With social pressures, the fear of telling their parents and lack of resources for students on college campuses, many pregnant students believe abortion is their only option. We want to let them know there is help out there and pregnancy is a wonderful thing, that should be celebrated,” said Miranda Bond, a Students for Life of America Field Representative, who will be helping with the life display.

The Respect Life Committee has been active on campus in the past. They will be bringing Justice for All in April. JFA is a national organization that will be displaying 8ft tall abortion displays on campus.


For student interviews contact Miranda Bond (740) 408-3571

For further information:

40th Anniversary Invitation
Join Colorado Right to Life
and Featured Speaker Dr. Alan Keyes
on Wednesday, April 25 at 1:30
Old Supreme Court Chambers at the State Capitol
to commemorate the millions lost to abortion
since America's first law passed in Colorado 4-25-67

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Woman Comatose for a Month After Botched Abortion Caused Center's Closing

Woman Comatose for a Month After Botched Abortion Caused Center's Closing

by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 1
, 2007

Englewood, NJ ( -- New reports are showing why a large New Jersey abortion business -- that does more abortions than most states see in a year --was recently shut down by state health officials. They took action after a woman who had an abortion there went into a coma for more than four weeks following a botched abortion.

Newark resident Rasheedah Dinkins had an abortion at the Metropolitan Medical Associates abortion business that went horribly wrong.

Dinkins, who is 20 years-old, became severely ill following the abortion and was transferred to Newark Beth Israel Medical Center where she needed blood transfusions and had her uterus removed. She also suffered a stroke due to the serious blood loss and had one of her lungs collapse.

"I was laying in my bed and I got the cold shakes," Dinkins told AP about her ordeal. "My body kept going numb. After that, I don't remember anything."

The young woman is still in a hospital recovering from the abortion that nearly took her life.

"I think it's horrible what I had to go through," she told The Associated Press from her hospital room Thursday morning.

Dinkins said her mother and hospital officials told her she died en route to the medical facility from the abortion center but medical personnel were able to revive her.

Knowing what she's experienced, Dinkins told AP she regards her decision to have an abortion, saying "I probably wouldn't have made this choice."

Adam Slater, Dinkins' attorney, talked about a lawsuit against the abortion center and abortion practitioners there that he's filed on her behalf.

"We expect to get to the bottom of why this incredibly horrible result could have happened," he said.

In ordering the abortion business to close, the Department of Health and Senior Services did not release an exact list of the problems at MMA but said the abortion facility had poor infection control, and did not properly sterilize instruments and equipment.

Health inspectors said the violations at the abortion business pose "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients."

They said it will remain closed until the problems are corrected. This is only the second time state health officials ordered one of the state's 650 ambulatory health centers closed.

Dinkins isn't the only woman who had an abortion at MMA and experienced problems.

Gloria Mozas of Cliffside Park is also suing the abortion center saying staff there misdiagnosed a tubal pregnancy and told her she miscarried the baby when she was actually pregnant with twins.

She told AP an abortion practitioner there did an abortion on her and told her he was just removing dead tissue. B ut a week later she had to undergo a medical procedure to remove the babies who had implanted into her fallopian tubes, causing her severe internal bleeding.

"I've been waiting for those doors to be locked for 3 1/2 years," she told AP.

Metropolitan Medical Associates is one of the biggest abortion facilities in the nation, having done 10,000 abortions last year alone. It was also closed down in 1993 for health and safety issues.

While it is closed, it is referring women to the Women's Choice abortion center in Hackensack, run by the same owners as MMA. The abortion facility is also telling callers that it will reopen next Tuesday and that it is "closed for renovations."

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Col. Bishop speaks out about Gov. Planned Parenthood funding

Colorado Bishop Blasts Ritter on Desire to Fund Planned Parenthood

by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 17
, 2007

Denver, CO ( -- A top Catholic Church official is blasting new Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter -- who claims to be pro-life but is wanting to restore state funding to Planned Parenthood, the state's largest abortion business. Archbishop Charles Chaput calls the idea "seriously flawed."

In a column the archbishop wrote in the Denver Catholic Register Chaput said he opposed the idea of restoring funding previous cut by the state legislature.

Playing on Governor Ritter's State of the State comments that he wanted to promote health care to create "a better future for our children and our children's children," Chaput said it's hard to imagine that without children.

"Planned Parenthood specializes in the business of preventing them," he wrote in the Catholic paper.

Ritter received a standing ovation from some lawmakers during the speech last week when he mentioned that he wanted to restore funding to the abortion business' family planning programs.

Though the money would go to the Planned Parenthood abortion business, a spokesman for the governor told the Rocky Mountain News he's not in favor of taxpayer funding of abortions.

"I think the archbishop and the governor share a desire to find a common ground," Dreyer said. "The governor does believe that it's good public policy to prevent unintended pregnancies before they occur."

The state legislature cut the pro-abortion group's funding in 2001 after lawmakers pointed out that it was using the money to subsidize abortions. That came after former Colorado Gov. Bill Owens ruled in 1999 the such funding would violate the state constitution.

The decision ultimately cost Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, a $16 million organization, $320,000 in state funds.

The abortion business argued that money for abortions and family planning were separate but an independent audit disputed those claims.

Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Kate Horle told the News that the abortion business doesn't want to separate into two groups in order to try to better qualify for the funds.

"The high cost of that restructuring probably doesn't make it a smart move," Horle said.

In previous comments, Ritter said Planned Parenthood would have to keep the money, intended for sex education programs, separate from its abortion activities. However, pro-life advocates argue the taxpayer grants merely free up funds for abortions the agency would otherwise use on family planning efforts.

PPRM came under fire in June for a plan to give away free morning after pills to mark its opposition to a measure Owens vetoed that would have allowed women to get the Plan B drug without a prescription.

The group also upset pro-life advocates in February when it lobbied lawmakers to defeat legislation that would have protected pregnant women and their babies before birth by allowing criminals who assault them and kill or injure their child to be prosecuted for two crimes.

In October 2003, Colorado prosecutors were upset that they could not charge a man in the death of an unborn child because the state has no law that allows prosecutors to hold him responsible.

Daniel Self, 46, was charged with killing a pregnant woman but couldn't be charged in the death of her unborn son. At a hearing, District Judge Gil Martinez dismissed a charge of child abuse resulting in death.

Leah Gee, Self's girlfriend, died two days after she was shot and her son was delivered by doctors via Caesarian section. He died two weeks later form complications.

Related web sites:
Governor Bill Ritter -

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Dangers of Abortion reported by Operation Save America

Tragedy Strikes Again at 3220 Latrobe Ave. Charlotte, NC
by Kristen Sugar

On the last Saturday of January, tragedy struck again in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the notorious “Preferred Women's Health” abortion mill.

The morning began with prayer and intercession. The Spirit of the Lord moved mightily among those who came to stand for life. Gentle warriors from F.I.R.E. School of Ministry and Operation Save America took their positions at the gates of hell to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and give mothers considering abortion a real choice. Three women this day had already changed their minds and chose life for their unborn children. The power of God was evident!

There was a sense of urgency in the air, and before we knew it, a fire truck and an ambulance arrived on the scene. These are always telling signs that an abortion has been botched. Seeing emergency vehicles at “Preferred Women's Health” is not at all unusual.

Due to the presence of the emergency people and vehicles, four more women chose not to have abortions, hopefully forever, but at least for that day!

A woman who had an abortion over 20 years ago and had been damaged beyond repair during that abortion happened to be with us. Seeing the emergency vehicles, police, and medical staff, brought back so many memories that she ran into the building begging women to come out. She wanted them to know that her story, which had happened so long ago, was actually coming to pass again this day. Of course that brought more police officers.

When they brought the woman out on a stretcher, she looked pale and unresponsive. We were told by a health professional that someone who has lost a lot of blood would look like this woman. So much for the “safe care” one receives at an abortion mill.

Thankfully, one more woman towards the end of this ordeal also changed her mind and came out of that place!

Since the first of the year we have had 20 women change their minds and choose life for their children. There have been many turn-aways, which we do not count as saves. Several have given their hearts to Christ. Not bad for a little band of Christians desiring that all praise and honor goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is amazing what God can do through us if we will just show-up at the gates of hell.

There have been several documented tragedies at this abortion mill. One wonders how they could possibly still be allowed to open their doors for business. Then we remember that the abortion industry has garnered for itself “most favored business” status in America. Not even the Health Department or the IRS dares to touch them.

As a matter of fact, this abortion mill is known by the hospitals in the Charlotte area as the most dangerous place for a young person to seek medical attention. Hospital personnel are routinely disgusted and shocked by the horrible conditions that the patients are in as they arrive.

Just recently a young Hispanic woman was brought in to a local hospital. Her blood pressure when she arrived was 50/30. She was found in a pool of her own blood on a dirty floor at “Preferred Women's Health.” She spent two days on a respirator and thankfully pulled through. She was allowed to almost bleed to death before the butchers at that place finally called for help. This occurred the last week of January 2007.

Prior to this, we found out that the 15 year old daughter of a prominent District Attorney arrived at the emergency room with her intestines outside of her body. This young girl had to have part of her intestines and her uterus removed. She will never be able to have children.

A few months ago, one of our gentle Christian warriors found a woman on the floor of the bathroom at the McDonald's (just up the street from the abortion mill) lying in a pool of her own blood. She was rushed to the hospital. F.I.R.E. students arrived at the hospital shortly after and were told that it took hours to stabilize this woman.

Apparently the man who had brought her for the abortion at “Preferred Women's Health” was waiting for her to use the bathroom and was unaware that she was unconscious on the floor. Thank God that she was discovered by a Christian woman who knew what this lady had just done, and knew what an emergency it was.

“Preferred Women's Health” is not only killing hundreds of babies each and every month - it is mutilating many, many women. We believe that it is just a matter of time before their neglect, reckless disregard for life, and lust for money leads to the death of a young mother.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Colorado Governor, Bill Ritter to restore funding for Planned Parenthood

Colorado's New Gov Ritter Wants to Restore Planned Parenthood Funds

by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 7
, 2006

Denver, CO ( -- Bill Ritter campaigned as a candidate opposed to abortions against a pro-life Rep. Bob Beauprez. Colorado voters chose Ritter and some may regret their decision because he announced Thursday he intends to restore state taxpayer funding to the nation's largest abortion business.

Ritter told the Associated Press in an interview that, after he takes office in January, he intends to pursue restoring funding for Planned Parenthood.

The state legislature cut the pro-abortion group's funding in 2001 after lawmakers pointed out that it was using the money to subsidize abortions.

Ritter said Planned Parenthood would have to keep the money, intended for sex education programs, separate from its abortion activities. However, pro-life advocates argue the taxpayer grants merely free up funds for abortions the agency would otherwise use on family planning efforts.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains came under fire in June for a plan to give away free morning after pills to mark its opposition to a measure Gov. Bill Owens vetoed that would have allowed women to get the Plan B drug without a prescription.

PPRM gave away the drug free at its 25 locations across the state.

The Food and Drug Administration eventually approved over the counter sales in August.

The group also upset pro-life advocates in February when it lobbied lawmakers to defeat legislation that would have protected pregnant women and their babies before birth by allowing criminals who assault them and kill or injure their child to be prosecuted for two crimes.

Kate Horle, vice president for public affairs at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, testified against the bill.

In October 2003, Colorado prosecutors were upset that they could not charge a man in the death of an unborn child because the state has no law that allows prosecutors to hold him responsible.

Daniel Self, 46, was charged with killing a pregnant woman but couldn't be charged in the death of her unborn son. At a hearing, District Judge Gil Martinez dismissed a charge of child abuse resulting in death.

Leah Gee, Self's girlfriend, died two days after she was shot and her son was delivered by doctors via Caesarian section. He died two weeks later form complications.

** Forward this story to everyone you know and encourage them to speak out against this funding. Write a letter, send an e-mail or fax, call Gov. Ritter and tell him this is unacceptable!

Bill Ritter, Governor
136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203-1792

(303) 866-2471

(303) 866-2003

Please include a Colorado mailing address if you wish to receive a reply. Please do not include any attachments.

CSFL President Named

Mandy Piper has been named Colorado Students for Life President. Mandy is a Sophomore at the University of Northern Colorado where she is president of their pro-life group, Bears for Life.

Presidents named at CS and UCCS

Freshman, Diane Eckersley has been named President of the Colorado State Students for Life.
Junior Mary Pico has been named President of the the UCCS Students for Life.

Abortion Techniques

Abortion is not a benign procedure. It is the violent and unnatural destruction of a living human being. Listed below you will find information on the various methods used to "terminate a pregnancy".

Suction Aspiration or Vacuum Aspiration Abortion:

Click here for full-scale, 3-panel medical illustration of 9-week suction abortion.
Copyright © 2005 Nucleus Medical Art, Inc. All rights reserved.
Suction Aspiration abortion (also called Vacuum Aspiration) is the most common abortion procedure in practice today. About 90% of all abortions happen in the first trimester, and this method accounts for the vast majority of those first trimester abortions. For the procedure to begin, the woman's cervix must be manually dilated with a series of rods to allow for the the insertion of a hollow plastic tube with a sharp cutting-tip. This tube is connected to a suction machine that is able to pull the tiny embryo or fetus apart (killing him or her in the process). The remains are sucked out of the mother and deposited into a collection canister. The placenta must then be cut away from the inner wall of the woman's uterus before it, too, can be sucked into a collection bottle. Suction Aspiration Abortions are not generally performed before the 7th week or after the 15th.

This is how the procedure is described by a typical abortion provider.

Medical Abortion (like Mifepristone / RU-486):

Recently, non-surgical abortion techniques have increased in frequency, but have not taken hold like many predicted. Medical abortions are a two-step procedure generally requiring three trips to an abortion facility that can be performed on embryos in the the first six or seven weeks of pregnancy. Patients that smoke, have asthma, high blood pressure or are obese cannot take the necessary drugs for a medical abortion. Those that do qualify begin the process by taking the first pill (RU-486 or mifepristone) to block the hormone (progesterone) that maintains the uterus' nutrient lining during pregnancy. Once the uterus is compromised, the embryo starves and dies. Two days later, the woman returns to the abortion facility for a dose of misoprostol to initiate uterine contractions. Most women will expel the dead embryo within four hours of taking the second drug. The final visit must take place two weeks later to ensure that the abortion has taken place. If it hasn't, which is true in 5-10% of all cases*, a surgical abortion will then be required.

This is how the procedure is described by a typical abortion provider.

This is one abortion provider's comparison between medical abortion and suction abortion.

Dilatation & Curettage (D&C) or Sharp Curettage Abortion:

In a Dilation & Curettage abortion, a sharp curette is used to dismember and remove the embryo or fetus from the mother's uterus (instead of the suction cannula used in the above procedure). The curette is inserted directly into the mother's uterus and used to scrape, first, the baby and then the placenta out of the uterus and through the cervix. Bleeding is generally profuse. Dilation & Curettage may also be used in non-abortive circumstances to treat abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, etc.

Dilation and Evacuation (D and E) Abortion:

Click here for full-scale, 4-panel medical illustration of 14-week D&E abortion.
Copyright © 2005 Nucleus Medical Art, Inc. All rights reserved.
Click here for full-scale, 4-panel medical illustration of 23-week D&E abortion.
Copyright © 2005 Nucleus Medical Art, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dilation and Evacuation is a 2nd trimester abortion procedure. For the procedure to take place, the woman's cervix must first be dilated, usually with laminaria, over a two or three day period prior to the abortion. Laminaria sticks are made of sterilized and compressed seaweed that can be inserted into a woman's cervix. Here, they begin expanding from moisture absorption, resulting in an enlarged cervix. When the women returns for the actual abortion to take place, forceps are inserted through the enlarged cervix into the uterus. The abortion provider then uses the forceps instrument to dismember the fetus by seizing a leg or arm and twisting it until it tears off and can be pulled out of the uterus. This will continue until only the head remains. Finally the skull is crushed and also pulled out. The body parts must then be reassembled to ensure that the entire baby has been removed.

This is how the procedure is described by a typical abortion provider.

Saline Injection Abortion:

Dilation & Evacuation abortions have largely replaced the saline variety). Their extreme risk to the mother has removed them from common practice today. In saline abortions, done after the 16th week, a large needle is inserted through the woman's abdominal wall and into the baby’s amniotic sac. A concentrated salt solution is injected into the amniotic fluid resulting in acute hypernatremia or acute salt poisoning. The baby breathes in and swallows the solution and is usually dead within a couple hours. Dehydration, hemorrhaging of the brain, organ failure, and burned skin also contribute to the fetus' demise. The mother generally goes into labor the next day and delivers a dead baby.

Dilation and Extraction (D and X) / Partial Birth Abortion:

Dilation and Extraction (often called partial birth abortion) is used during the 2nd or 3rd trimester and is usually performed on a viable baby. The Ultrasound-guided procedure is essentially the breach delivery of a live baby. Forceps, inserted through the cervical canal, are used to position the fetus so that it can be delivered feet first and face down. The child’s body is then pulled through the birth canal, but the head (too large to pass through the cervix) is left inside. With arms and legs exposed (and likely flailing), the abortion provider then inserts blunt surgical scissors into the base of the fetal skull and spreads the tips apart. A suction catheter is inserted into the skull and the brain is sucked out. The skull collapses until the baby’s head can pass through the cervix.

Colorado State Abortion-ban Bill

Terry Jessup
(CBS4) DENVER The state Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to hear a proposal on abortion Monday morning. Senate Bill 143 would make it a felony to perform abortions, except those to save the life of the mother.

Sunday, opponents of the measure rallied on the University of Northern Colorado campus in Greeley. The opponents said the bill, sponsored by state Sen. Scott Renfroe of Greeley, was a divisive attack on a woman's fundamental right.

"I wish somehow you could understand that women can seek abortions even though they love children with all their hearts and souls," said Julie Shade, one of the Weld County residents at the rally.

Renfroe said he campaigned on the issue and has an obligation to bring it up for debate, even though he concedes the bill probably won't pass.

"Realistically, this year might be more about bringing the issue up and starting the debate," said Renfroe. "Over years, there's been bills that have been introduced five, 10 times in a row before they've

Write or e-mail Sen. Renfroe to show your support!
Colorado State Senator, District 13
Office Location: 200 E. Colfax
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-866-2586

* It died in committee this evening, but it's certainly a step in the right direction and brought attention to the issue:



: How To…

Read practical articles written by college pro-lifers on how to do all those essential things that make your campus group work.

: Activities

Need ideas for activities to do with your group? See what has worked for others on their campuses.

: Sample Docs

Most of us have no idea how to write a constitution, a press release, a web page, etc. Here are sample documents to help.

: RTL Handbook

Read The College Right-to-Life Handbook by Andrew Sicree.

SFLA Conference 2008


January 19, 2008
Washington, DC

The Students for Life of America conference in January is an event that no pro-life college student should miss. Many of our attendees return yearly. Last year, over 500 students from 100+ universities attended. It is a day full of education, training, and networking with fellow college students who care to make a difference on their college and university campuses by proclaiming the pro-life message.

Conference attendees.Don’t ever again feel like the sole pro-life college student in America. Meet your contemporaries in the movement face to face. Share your stories with each other and benefit from the experience of the many seasoned pro-life activists and speakers we bring to the conference.

Join thousands of pro-lifers in the March for Life upon the Capitol on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Jan. 22), then join your fellow students at the SFLA Conference.

: Schedule

Check out all the great speakers and workshops from the 2007 conference.

: Testimonials

Read what our conference attendees are saying about our annual conference.

: Photo Album

Take a photographic tour of our previous SFLA Student Leadership Conferences.

Pro-life Activities

Pregnancy Center Listing

Buena Vista Pregnancy Center (1526)
#10 Buena Vista Square
Buena Vista, CO 81211 US
Phone: 719-395-6703
Hours: M 11-3, Th 1-5;
Services: 24 Hour Helpline, Options Information, Material Aid, Adoption Support, After Abortion Support, Parenting Classes, Parenting Support, STD/STI Information,

30.02 miles

Teller Pregnancy Resource Center (351)
615 S Baldwin St, Ste B
Woodland Park, CO 80866 US
Phone: 719-687-1200
Hours: M-F 11-4pm
Services: Options Information, Ultrasound, Parenting Classes, Parenting Support, STD/STI Information, Men's Program,

36.89 miles

Teller Pregnancy Resource Center (1902)
166 E. Bennett St. #1
Cripple Creek, CO 80813 US
Phone: 719-689-3584
Hours: F 11a-3p
Services: Options Information, Ultrasound, After Abortion Support, Parenting Classes, Parenting Support, STD/STI Information, Men's Program,

38.51 miles

Mountain Area Preg. Ctr. (333)
28677 Buffalo Park Road
Evergreen, CO 80439 US
Phone: 303-674-5881
Hours: M-Th 10a-5p
Services: 24 Hour Helpline, Options Information, Material Aid, Adoption Support, After Abortion Support, Parenting Support,

40.83 miles

Salida Pregnancy Center (349)
1539 G St
Salida, CO 81201 US
Phone: 719-539-7436
Hours: M,Tu 11-3, Th 1-5, and by appt
Services: 24 Hour Helpline, Options Information, Ultrasound, Material Aid, Adoption Support, Housing Referrals, After Abortion Support, Parenting Classes, STD/STI Information, Mentoring, Men's Program,

43.83 miles

Lifeline Resource Center (1927)
1001 South Perry St. Suite 107 B
Castle Rock, CO 80104 US
Phone: 303-623-5433
Hours: M & R 10-4; every other Sat 10-2
Services: Options Information, Material Aid, After Abortion Support, Parenting Classes, STD/STI Information, Mentoring, Men's Program,

48.72 miles

Alternatives Pregnancy Center (342)
2 West Dry Creek Circle
Littleton, CO 80120 US
Phone: 303-295-2288
Hours: M 10-4P; T 1-7P; TH 1-4P
Services: 24 Hour Helpline, Options Information, Material Aid, Adoption Support, After Abortion Support, STD/STI Information, Men's Program,

50.31 miles

Alternatives Preg. Ctr. (341)
3110 S Wadsworth Blvd, Ste 200
Lakewood, CO 80227 US
Phone: 303-295-2288
Hours: MWF 10-4; Th 1-7
Services: 24 Hour Helpline, Options Information, Ultrasound, Material Aid, Adoption Support, After Abortion Support, STD/STI Information, Men's Program,

50.61 miles

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center (327)
3700 Galley Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80909 US
Phone: 719-591-2724
Hours: MT 10-7, W-F 10-5
Services: Options Information, Ultrasound, Material Aid, After Abortion Support, Parenting Classes, Parenting Support, STD/STI Information,

54.59 miles

Riverside Pregnancy Center (2799)
2637 W. 23rd Ave.
Denver, CO 80211 US
Phone: 720-855-0505
Hours: T,W, Th 10a-2p W 6:30p-8p
Services: Options Information, Material Aid, STD/STI Information